Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Another school year about to start...

School is about to start again.  I know the kids always say the summer went by too fast but for once I would have to agree with them!  I always loved this time of year, the organizing, buying school supplies and getting everyone back on track.  It's also the time of year when things really start to crank up for me at work and with my nonprofit work....well, more than usual anyway.  I'm trying not to get back on that treadmill though.  It's a challenge every day!  I still use it as an excuse to get myself organized for the second half of the year.

Anyway, back to school starting...Troy and Hoover both start on August 11th.  Sheldon State not far behind...  Everyone will be back in a routine - or so I hope...

Rachel and Anna in their newly decorated sorority house room!
I moved Anna Marie back to Troy on Friday.  It took two cars but I was surprised that we weren't packed to the hilt!  She did a great job of organizing everything and making sure containers were packed with the right stuff so all she had to do - for the most part - was place them in the correct spots in her sorority room.  The nice thing was knowing she would be back in the same room as last year and this year she has her friend Rachel rooming with her.  They are like two peas in a pod, they have similar style and so the room looked terrific when I left.  I don't know if she has seen the photos I've taken because she had to deactivate her facebook page in anticipation of sorority rush.  I had no sooner left her sorority house when she called to tell me this so I wouldn't be shocked!  I'm sure I would have figured it out but was nice of her to call and tell me personally!  She has been excited about going back to school for over a week now.  I'm so glad she likes it at Troy.

This was definitely different than the move last year...when we ALL went down to Troy and helped her with the move into her dorm.  At one time - between Anna Marie and her roommate - I think we had about 15 people in that little room trying to get things organized!  This year it was just me and Anna and Rachel and her parents.  And when I left she didn't cry...she hugged me about 5 times but there was no crying...well, SHE didn't cry...

Charlie works on his car transmission.
Eddie registered Charlie for Shelton State this week.  Charlie took last semester off from Jeff State to figure things out.  He is now registered for the automotive program at Shelton and he is very excited about this.  Finally...studying something he wants to do for a living.  He has spent so much time this summer working on cars for friends and also his own - if he isn't tired of it by now then this is the right route for him to take!  He lives for cars!!!  And he will definitely have an early drive each day to Tuscaloosa for class - leaving the house at 6:30 a.m.! - but I think in this case the routine will be good for him.  I'm anxious to see how this goes for him.  I know he's ready...

Emily performs at the MCAT Showcase in July
Emily...Miss Emily...she is going to be a junior in high school this year.  She has an exciting and busy year ahead of her too.  She auditioned for Chamber Choir again and will be part of the TNT program at school.  This is also her first year to take a theatre class.  In addition, she is waiting to hear (by tomorrow) is she will be in a musical she auditioned for a few weeks back.  If she is, then rehearsals will start on Monday before school starts!  So the school year will start off with a bang for her...  I do hope she gets a part in the musical.  She spends so much time practicing and working on dance and music in her room.  She just cranks up that stereo and goes at it!  Sometimes I can hear her singing along and I just love that.  Meanwhile, we have some back to school shopping to do this weekend.

Yes...summer is about over.  I wish someone would tell Mother Nature though because this 90+ degree temperatures are really getting old!

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