Tuesday, August 31, 2010

And that's when I "Snapped"

I was at Target this evening and there was a t-shirt with a camera on it with the saying..."and that's when I snapped!"  I thought that was funny...and meaningful!

There have been a few things that have happened lately that lead me to believe that my "second" career(photography) is beckoning me..."come on over....snap to it...don't be negative..."  Okay..those were pretty corny but it's late and I'm tired as I write this...

I've been finding more and more photography blogs and websites and bookmarking them.  I found one the other night on facebook that just fascinated me because the woman is from Atlanta and she's Hispanic.  She has three kids and has some beautiful shots of her kids.  In fact, she in halfway through a year long project where she is taking a photo a day and telling a story of her kids.  I've seen this done before - the 365 photo project theme - but this one is just different.  I'm so drawn in by her photos and the stories they tell.  I am just wanting to devour her website and see what I can learn from her.  Of course, I need the time to do this so I'm just getting it in small doses and pieces. 

Meanwhile, another photographer on facebook - in Birmingham - has just offered a second day long workshop with another photographer where they bring would-be photogs together to talk, exchange ideas and then photograph children and a newborn.  The workshop they just had was well attended according to the pictures online and cost $500.  The one they are offering in February has gone up $25.  Not sure why there change in such a short period of time but regardless, I was excited to see something like this offered locally!  I would love to be a part of one but I know the Feb date is not a good one for me.  And the cost... I'm not sure if this is a good price for something like this or not.  I have to do a little more research into that for sure.

Another part of me is a bit scared to take part in something like this for stupid reasons.  For one, when I saw the photos of the women in the first workshop, they had some amazing camera equipment on them.  I was a bit envious and intimidated, to say the least.  Another reason is that I'm not that up to speed with flash and lighting and shooting manually.  I think you need to have a better understanding of that so you don't go into something like this and feel like you've wasted your investment.  Nothing worse than going into something where "language" is used and you have no clue.  So, it would probably be best to take a class to learn all the bells and whistles on MY camera before setting out to participate in a workshop like this.

At any rate, it's good to know workshops like this are out there and going on...I really need to work that into my schedule soon. 

Miguel and I had a good conversation last week about the photography business we want to start.  He said we need to set some dates and goals or we will never do this.  He's right.  He, of course, if about to have child number two in October and then we get into the holiday season.  Not the best time to get something like this started so we've made a pledge to move on this the first part of 2011. 

Of course, that doesn't mean we can't take a few opportunities as they come along to us.  I've been asked to take photos at an event in September.  I'm sure this would be for free but it's an opportunity nonetheless and it wouldn't hurt to be seen with the camera in a room full of people I know.  And...I've begun taking my camera everywhere I go anyway so what's the harm.  I'm also looking forward to taking photos of Miguel's newborn.  That will be a new experience.  I'm sure he'll be all over that subject too!  And he wants me to take his family photo for their Christmas card like I did last year.  I need him to take ours this year too.  We never got around to it last year - or rather - we never had time last year!  My family is harder to round up than his!

The biggest need right now is getting a better flash for my camera.  Guess I'll be doing a search tomorrow to see what I can find.  And I really want to try creating a 365 photo blog and see where I can go with that...  Now I just need a catchy title...or not...

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