Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back in the Saddle...

It's been awhile...I spent 7 weeks at home recovering from surgery and staying as disconnected as possible from work and other things.  I had my place set up on the couch in the family room and the company of my sweet puppy Lucy.  It was wonderful...  After about two weeks I had friends saying to me "I'll be you are going crazy just sitting around and watching TV."  My response..."not really."

I think the fact that I gave myself permission to do this and that it was needed and necessary in order to fully recover was what it took.  Here I had books and magazines galore to read and catch up on but did I even open a single one for two weeks?  Nope.

Of course things didn't go "exactly" like I thought they would...I figured I would have a lot of time to myself but that didn't quite happen.  It wasn't a bad thing necessarily but there was a week where I thought I might have to scream because I just wanted everyone out of the house.  But you adjust...

I also thought I would spend more time writing but as you can see from the date of the last post, that didn't quite happen here!  It DID however happen on my laptop.  I started keeping a daily record of what I was doing, who I had heard from, etc. so I would remember what day it was!  It was really a bullet point list of things but before I knew it - it was more of a journal.  I'm loving the fact that I went ahead and did this and also kept up with it for almost the entire 7 weeks...I did kinda slack off the last week a bit.  But it's a good record of what happened during this time! 

I mean, typically I can always look back to my trusty notebook that I carry around to see what was going in work-wise and personal-wise.  I just wasn't keeping up with the notebook during this time...it was just nice to have the laptop next to me and write as I felt like it - plus, I can type so much faster than I can WRITE!

I've been back to work for awhile now and I miss journaling.  I need to build in some time each day to do this...and I want to update this blog more often too.

So I'm back in the saddle...just trying to trot for awhile...the galloping takes a bit more stamina and I'm not quite up to that yet!

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