Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Stressful Living

Why do we do this to ourselves....constantly saying "yes" - consistently filling up the calendar with events and "things to do." Is part of it a need to be needed? Is it that we are afraid we will miss something if we say NO??? It is guilt that we won't be asked anymore if we say the dreaded word "NO" every once in awhile??? Hummm....lots to think about and depending on the day and time I'm sure the answer would be different. Truth is...I love the adrenalin rush I get when I have multiple things going on. I love the additional rush of running into people I wouldn't ordinarily have the opportunity to meet and chat with and being able to possibly connect them with someone they really need to know. I love the feeling - at the end of the day - of having that sense of accomplishment when a project is complete or one is underway and going fabulously.

Now...if I could just free myself of the "time suckers" that I tend to attract maybe THAT would reduce some of the stress!!!

Stay tuned for more ranting and raving (good and bad!)....

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