Sunday, January 24, 2010

Repacking my bags... I've decided to change the name of my blog from "Year of Living Stressfully" to "Repacking my bags...lightening my load for the journey ahead."

When I first started blogging "officially" - I had the need to put on "paper" the things that were going through my mind that were...well... stressing me out! I figured I could get it down on the blog, get it out of my head, and essentially lighten my load in that way. I does help... unloading your mind of the multitude of things that consume you every day.

Over the course of the past year and a half though, I began wondering if the blog title was something I really wanted to keep. I mean, some could say that "stress" is the new normal! I've heard and even said that many times lately. But the word "stress" is getting old, isn't it? I mean, it's like the word "busy." I really do loathe that word..."hey, I know you're BUSY but could you..." OR "my life is so busy right now I just can't breathe!" Busy, busy, busy!!! Isn't that the sound bees make??? Okay, I'm getting ridiculous now...I know...

The blog name change comes from me wanting to put a more positive light on what I want to do this year...put the important people/places/things in my bags and make the most of this journey I'm on. The focus should be on the journey, shouldn't it? As an adult, don't we know this? Should we be asking "are we there yet?" If we are asking that child-like question then we aren't enjoying the journey very much, are we? I hear people say things like "getting there is half the battle" and that the destination is the reward. I don't agree...I believe the journey is the reward...

I'm making a vow to enjoy the journey...even if my luggage doesn't match. 

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