Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Letting Go...

A week from tomorrow I'm having surgery.  It's something that has been planned for a few months - so it's expected which is "nice" I suppose.  It has given me time to plan and go forward on my terms in a way.  But still, it's surgery and I'll be needing time to recouperate and rest.  Which leads me to the crazy few months I've been dealing with...

March is a busy month in terms of nonprofit events and family celebrations.  In additon to two birthdays - my sons and husbands...March seems to be the month that everyone thinks is ideal for signature and fundraising events.  It must be because it's been nonstop since the first of March really.  Not that these events are fun and worthy...they are... but job related work continues and in my case, the "pre-work" to get 6 weeks worth of projects out of the way so that nothing interferes with my time off and distracts me from the time I need to recoup.

Throughout this time I've actually been excited about this time off...the time that I'll be taking to disconnect with work and nonprofit work...and reconnect with myself  - body and soul.  It's sad to think that surgery is what it's taking for me to take the time and get serious about my health.  We all know what we need to do to take care of ourselves but I think it takes a huge push sometimes to really get to that point.  I've joked about this for years..."just let me have some minor surgery or something so I can have some time off!!!"  I'd say this to friends, we'd laugh about it and move on.  But here it is...

I've felt myself starting to let go in the past two weeks.  I'm a little more impatient with people...I'm tired and drained of energy...I'm not as focused...  I'm also a bit more emotional about random things.  Today alone I needed to focus on an event that I'm highly involved in this Thursday...and yet there was constant interruption and then a nagging headache that kept me in the office until almost 7:30 this evening. 

Yes...it's time to let go.

So in further anticipation, this past weekend I worked my tail off to get the house in order - get things organized - down to the basket I keep by my bedside that has books in it I don't intent to read any time soon.  Those have been replaced with the most current magazines, a few books I DO want to read, and other things I want to have close at hand.  Drawers and surfaces have been cleaned off...grooming appointment for my sweet puppy has been scheduled.  You name it and I've probably done it or am in the process of getting it done.  And Monday morning I was looking for the license tag of the truck that ran me over!  I hurt so bad!  Further confirmation that timing is right for this surgery.

This Friday at work...the out of office assistant message goes on my email account, emails have already gone out to folks to let them know I'm "out of pocket" until the first part of June and all other housekeeping items have been farmed out and handled.  I'll run down my list to make sure all is in order on Friday.

I have Monday and Tuesday next week off (vacation) to really unwind and ease into this surgery.  Then it's surgery day followed by six weeks to figure out my next step.  No pressure though...reflective time...and maybe more time to write about all this too...I'm so ready...